Heart disease is a very serious condition, especially if left undiagnosed. Most people have a general idea of what a heart condition is but may not know what the actual symptoms are. Not everyone experiences the same symptoms at the same severity. One person could clearly be having a heart attack, a common indicator of heart disease, while someone else could show more subtle symptoms.
Common Symptoms
Chest pain is often thought to be the main symptom of a heart attack. However, you could have a serious heart condition but not feel any discomfort in the chest area. Some people could have developed atherosclerosis, a type of heart condition, long before they start experiencing chest pain. If you have atherosclerosis, symptoms could be:
- Heart attack
- Angina, a type of chest pain
- Coronary thrombosis
Other general symptoms can crop up in various combinations and levels of severity. It is best to contact a medical professional if you have even the slightest suspicion that you or a loved one has a heart condition or could be suffering from a heart attack. The longer you wait, the more difficult it becomes to treat the illness. Some other tell-tale symptoms of heart disease include:
- Physical weakness
- Dizziness
- Shortness of breath
- Chills
- Bluish lips
It is very important that any heart condition be discovered as early as possible so that treatment can be implemented right away. Fatal complications could develop if medical professionals do not evaluate, diagnose, and administer treatment for heart disease as early as possible.