Popularity kefir is now supported by scientific evidence that it contains probiotics (live bacteria) and components that is important for health. That's one secret of longevity Caucasian population since 1400 years ago from generation to generation.
Composition and taste of kefir is vary considerably depending on the source of kefir milk (goat, buffalo, cows, sheep) and fat content (regular-fat, low fat, nonfat) milk is used, the microbial composition of kefir in the seeds and the technology used for production.
Biochemical components produced by kefir is fermented to lactic acid, CO2, and alcohol. Many aromatic components, including diasetil and acetaldehyde are also present in kefir. Diasetil produced by the bacterium Str. Lactis subsp. Diacetylactis and Leuconostoc.
Lactose content is reduced in kefir and b-galactosidase levels increased as a result of fermentation. There was a slight increase in proteolysis thereby increasing the free amino acid content. Kefir that is made from full fat milk contains 3.5 grams of fat per 100ml resulting 62kcal per 100ml.
Cholesterol in milk fat is relatively low. Kefir contains 12mg of cholesterol per 100 grams (about 3.5% in the beverage fat content). Microbes in kefir break down fat in milk kefir, making it easier to digest. Research has shown that some lacto bacteria in kefir can lower cholesterol, by gluing himself to the cholesterol and dispose from the body.
In addition, kefir does have remarkable properties. Many research that has been done to discover exactly what makes the content of kefir has extraordinary properties. Based on the research and experience, kefir can help cure the complaints:
- Allergies, asthma, bronchitis
- Gout, rheumatism, arthritis
- Kidney stones, renal failure
- Diabetes, heart disease, hypertension
- Impaired function of the intestine, indigestion
- Herpes, lupus, acne, eczema, ulcers
- Cancer, tumor
- Cholesterol
- Slowing the menopause
- Restores stamina after seriously ill patients
- Refine and tighten skin
- Avoiding the effects of chemotherapy and radiation
- Migraine
- Obesity, diet (weight loss support)
- Osteoporosis
- Stress, depression, sleep disturbances
- Stroke, or paralysis.
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