Cervical Spondylosis, also known as cervical syndrome, mainly includes cervical osteoarthritis, hyperplastic cervical inflammation, cervical nerve root syndrome and cervical disc prolapsed. It is a type of degenerative disease pathological change. Now, more and more people, especially ones working in front of computer often, are suffering from cervical spondylosis. So we listed 7 major complications of cervical spondylosis hoping that you pay more attentions to your own health.
1. Dysphagia: a sense of obstruction when swallowing, a few people have such symptoms as nausea, vomiting, hoarse voice, dry cough and chest tightness.
Reasons: the esophagus becomes narrow when cervical vertebra has a direct oppression to the cervical esophageal posterior wall. And soft tissue around the esophagus makes stimulus-response when the bone spurs are forming too fast.
2. Visually Obstruction: it is shown decreased visual acuity, eye pain, photophobia, tearing and uneven pupil size, especially a narrowing vision field or sudden dropping in vision, even blindness when very severe.
3. Carotid-cardiac syndrome: it is shown precordium chest pain, chest tightness, cardiac arrhythmia and ECG ST segment change, easily misdiagnosed as coronary heart disease.
4. Hypertension Cervical Spondylosis: it can cause blood pressure increasing or decreasing, in which high blood pressure is more known as the "neck hypertension."
5. Chest Pain: it is shown pains of unilateral pectoralis major muscle and breast which have a slow but persistence performance, when examining it may cause pressure pain of the tenderness pectoralis major.
6. Paraplegia: an early show is as follows---numbness, pain and limp in lower extremity, and some patients may walk like the feeling of riding the cotton, individual patients may accompanied by disorders or defecation and urination such as frequent urination, urgent urination, voiding disfunction or incontinence.
7. Cataplexy: it is shown a sudden falling down when standing or walking and return sober when falling. Such patients may be accompanied by the vegetative nerve functional disturbance symptoms like dizziness, nausea, vomiting, sweating.
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