Monday, November 23, 2015

High Blood Pressure - Expert Advice on What to Do When it Won't Come Down

Many people can't lose the necessary weight by exercising and reducing stress. Quitting smoking doesn't help normalize their blood pressure low enough long-term either because of damage caused to arteries and blood vessels. Why is this? As you grow older, your arteries will also harden and become less elastic so your blood pressure will go up because your heart has to work harder to pump blood around the body. This occurs in all people, regardless of your lifestyle - good or bad.

Prescription drugs on the market work, but they don't work on everybody and sometimes have dangerous and unpleasant side effects. But there are complementary remedies believed to be effective in helping reduce high blood pressure when all else seems not to be working, which we'll discuss now.

What is L-Arginine and Nitric Oxide?

In 1998, a team of American scientists won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for their discovery of the amino acid called L-Arginine and the Nitric oxide pathway. Over 35,000 articles have been published on the importance of the nitric oxide pathway and the amazing influence of L-Arginine on this pathway.

L-Arginine is the precursor to a nitric oxide, which is an important signaling molecule in the body. It is a conditionally non-essential amino acid, meaning most of the time it can be manufactured by the human body.

However, many people do not produce enough L-Arginine because of an unhealthy lifestyle caused by damage to endothelial cells in your arteries due to smoking and being overweight, illness, a toxic environment or old age.

Production of Nitric Oxide and your overall health can also be enhanced through regular exercise and a diet focused on consuming large enough amounts of L-Arginine. Although, it can be difficult to meet your bodies total Nitric Oxide requirement through diet alone - so supplements are recommended to assure optimum daily intake.

How Can Nitric Oxide Works to Lower High Blood Pressure?

L-Arginine is converted into the gas nitric oxide, which causes blood vessel relaxation (vasodilation). Nitric oxide helps to promote optimal blood flow throughout the body - research and on-going trials on this amino acid found in our bodies, suggest it can help reduce high blood pressure.

Nitric oxide plays a large role in regulating the tone of blood vessels. More nitric oxide causes blood vessels to relax and dilate, allowing more blood to flow through, which lowers blood pressure because your heart will not have to pump as hard.

How Else Can Your Body Cardiovascular Benefit From Nitric Oxide?

Evidence suggests that L-Arginine may also help treat medical conditions that improve with vasodilation, such as chest pain, clogged arteries (called atherosclerosis), coronary artery disease, erectile dysfunction, heart failure, intermittent claudication/peripheral vascular disease, and blood vessel swelling that causes headaches (vascular headaches). L-Arginine also triggers the body to make protein and has been studied for wound healing, bodybuilding, enhancement of sperm production (spermatogenesis), and prevention of wasting in people with critical illnesses.

Atherosclerosis (ath-er-o-skler-O-sis) is a disease in which plaque (plak) builds up on the insides of your arteries, it damages to the endothelium, which causes a decline in Nitric Oxide. Over time, plaque hardens and narrows your arteries. The flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body is reduced. You may be able to prevent or delay atherosclerosis and the diseases it can cause, mainly by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and L-Arginine supplementation.

Similarly a heart attack is caused by an area of plaque that can rupture, causing a blood clot to form on the surface of the plaque. If the clot becomes large enough, it can mostly or completely block the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the part of the heart muscle fed by the artery. By taking the steps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and improve circulation, nitric oxide can help reduce the risk against a heart attack.

A stroke happens when blood flow to your brain stops. Within minutes, brain cells begin to die. The most common kind, is called an ischemic stroke, it is caused by a blood clot that blocks or plugs a blood vessel in the brain. Again when normal production of nitric oxide is reduced within vessel walls, you are much more prone to clotting and strokes.

How Much is a Safe Dose?

Individuals should always consult their doctor before taking any supplements; he or she knows your medical history better than anyone. This is important especially if you have any pre-existing conditions and currently take prescription drugs. L-Arginine has been found to be a safe amino acid based on scientific research and expert opinion. 5 grams per day is a recommended standard dose without worry of any adverse side effects. If you take more than your body needs or wants, your body will eliminate the excess. In some cases, taking more than you need can cause diarrhea. If this occurs, reduce the amount.

What Do You Look For in an L-Arginine Product?

There are many manufacturers of L-Arginine in supplement form, but all brands are not created equal! One important benefit of the product is that it should be a liquid to enable optimum absorption - to allow it to go in quickly, allows less toxicity, and more assurance it's getting in. It should also contain L-Citrulline, which enables L-Arginine when converted into Nitric Oxide to sustain its activity over a longer period of time. No artificial, sweeteners or colors, just all natural and all good!

Other supplements you can take on a daily basis that can enhance your cardiovascular health are antioxidants such as omega oils from plant sources (Perilla), and a multi-vitamin.

In conclusion, there are options available today and research is taking place all the time to discover new ways to combat hypertension. Don't despair it is possible to help reduce and control your high blood pressure so you can live a longer, happier and healthier life.

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