Saturday, November 7, 2015

Periodontal Diseases and Bone Grafting

Periodontal diseases are basically serious diseases, such as gingivitis and periodontitis, that attack the gums. If left untreated, these gum diseases can spread around other areas of the mouth and lead to the loss of tooth or teeth. A periodontal disease is bacterial infection that is chronic and affects both the gums and the bone that supports the tooth. It first begins with the presence of bacteria in the plaque, which is that colorless film that forms on your teeth from time to time, cause the gum to experience some amount of inflammation.

Periodontal diseases vary in degree of seriousness. The mildest form of periodontal disease, at least as far as the beginnings are concerned, is gingivitis. Gingivitis is a common problem caused by poor or inadequate oral hygiene, and it is characterized by gums that appear red and swollen. People suffering from gingivitis generally have bad breath and experience bleeding when their gums come in contact with any invading substance, including toothbrush bristles. With professional treatment accompanied with good oral care done at home, there's no reason why gingivitis cannot be reversed. But if gingivitis is left ignored and treatment for it is delayed, the disease can advance and take the form of periodontitis, another periodontal disease.

Periodontitis develops when plaque starts to spread below the gum line and the toxins produced by the plaque bacteria infect the gums. These toxins work to stimulate a chronic inflammatory response and eventually, the tissues and the bone supporting the teeth are destroyed. Pockets, the spaces found between the teeth and the gums, are then formed and deepen as periodontitis rapidly progresses. People with periodontitis experience mild symptoms but pretty soon, pain sets in and tooth or teeth loss takes place. There are different forms of periodontitis. The common ones include aggressive periodontitis, chronic periodontitis, necrotizing periodontitis, and periodontitis as a symptom of a systemic disease. Any and all of these forms of periodontitis need the immediate attention of a dentist.

Sometimes, treatment for a periodontal disease comes too late. When tooth or teeth loss has already occurred, the typical concern of patients is to get replacements. Dental implants are usually recommended. In this regard, bone grafting is often resorted to. Bone grafting is a dental surgical procedure that involves the replacement of missing bone with material from the body of the patient. Dental implants require as support the presence of bones underneath them. Bones also work to integrate implants properly and conveniently into the mouth. There are people who have lived without teeth for the longest time. These people are the ones that can benefit most from bone grafting because they are the ones that normally do not have enough bone in the right places.

Bone grafts for dental implants are usually taken from the chin or from the implants' pilot holes. Sometimes, they are taken right from the iliac crest of the pelvis and reshaped in order to fit into the mouth underneath another implant. Generally, bone grafts are either particulated or used en block, whichever is necessary for correcting a defect and for easy adaptation. Either way, tooth or teeth loss caused by a highly progressed periodontal disease can be fixed by bone grafting.

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