If you think you are at risk of developing coronary heart disease, the first thing you should do is schedule regular heart checkups. And you should do this even if you have not begun to experience any of the traditional heart disease symptoms, because it is not unheard of for a heart attack to occur without any heart disease symptoms at all.
Major Heart Disease Symptoms
But if you are wondering if any of the things you are feeling could be heart disease symptoms, the major signs of heart disease are angina and heart palpitations. Angina is named form the Latin word for chest pain, and if you experienced chest pain or tightness which seems to increase after you have been exercising, or if the pain radiates out from your chest into yurt neck, shoulder, jaw, and left arm you should talk to your doctor immediately. The heart disease symptom angina is often confused with an actual heart attack.
Heart palpitations, another of the most common heart disease symptoms, are hard to ignore. Your heart will feel as if it's dancing around like a chicken on a hot plate. Heart palpitations are often accompanies by shortness of breath, even if you are not being active.
Heart Disease Symptoms in Women and Young People
Women often experience heart disease symptoms from different from those which affect men. Angina in women often seems like mere shortness of breath or indigestion, and may not come from the area right near their breastbones. Strangely enough, it may occur only when they are inactive.
Early heart disease symptoms, which can be overlooked due to the patient's age, are a non-injury related thickening of the Achilles tendon, and a condition known as hyperlipoidemia, or an excise concentration of fats in the blood. Hyperlipoimdemia is hereditary, and besides being a being a possible heart disease symptom, may be as sign of diabetes, thyroid malfunction, and obesity.
Heart disease symptoms in those suffering from mitral valve prolapse include ringing in the ears, and dizziness or brief periods of blacking out when standing suddenly. Mitral valve prolapse will cause blood to reverse course and flow back out of the heart momentarily, depriving the heart of sufficient blood volume to get oxygen to the brain and causing the dizziness or blacking out.
Another of the serious heart disease symptoms is localized tingling, in particular on one half of the face. Such tingling can be a strong indication that one of your arteries carrying blood way from the heart is being obstructed. If you experience such tingling along with a loss of balance, inability to speak clearly, and headache, you should seek medical help immediately, as stroke is a real possibility.
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