The number one cause of death for both men and women in the United States is heart disease. Heart disease comes in many forms and accounts for over one million deaths every year. Cardiovascular disease and heart attacks are responsible for more than one third of all deaths annually. Cardiovascular disease can be caused by genetics or a variety of lifestyle choices such as smoking, sedentary lifestyles and our eating habits. As we age, our bodies become more susceptible to such age associated diseases. However, this does not have to be the case. In recent years, clinical studies from around the world have concluded that human growth hormone therapy aids in preventing and even reversing serious medical conditions such as heart disease.
Human growth hormone (HGH) is produced naturally in our bodies by the pituitary gland and subsequently delivered into the bloodstream. Starting as early as our twenties, the natural production of this critical hormone declines dramatically. Clinical studies have found a direct correlation between the level of HGH in our bodies and the beneficial role these hormones play regarding heart disease. Patients tested as part of the study who had normal or elevated levels of HGH in their bloodstream demonstrated dramatic positive effects in their hearts and cardiovascular system in general.
One clinical study was conducted on 333 patients who experienced severe deficiencies of HGH. These patients experienced double the risk of death from heart disease compared to patients who had higher levels of HGH in their bloodstream. Factors such as body composition, cholesterol levels, blood pressure and other medical conditions were evaluated as part of the study.
When these patients where participated in human growth hormone therapy, the results were dramatic. Researchers initially noted in their patients a profound positive effect on body composition. Patients experienced loss of fat with lean body mass. The deep fat of the abdomen was also diminishing. The patients began losing weight, with blood cholesterol levels shifting to more desirable levels of high HDL and low LDL levels. Within six months of treatment, the patient's blood pressure levels also dropped. Elevating levels of HGH in the bloodstream reduced risk factors for the number one killer in the United States.
HGH treatments are readily available by a physician, and can aid in preventing and even reversing the effects of cardiovascular disease. These injections however are painful and expensive, requiring a monthly investment upwards of $2,000 monthly. Such treatment plans are inconvenient, typically requiring 48 injections monthly and frequent visits with the physician. For most, this is not an affordable or convenient option.
Despite the proven positive benefits of prescription human growth hormone, many individuals have sought out natural and homeopathic alternatives. Select homeopathic formulas in the marketplace contain a powerful and exclusive combination of natural ingredients designed to safely strengthen and empower the body's pituitary gland to function at stronger and more youthful levels. The connection could be made that a stronger and more youthful functioning pituitary gland could provide greater levels of HGH into the body's bloodstream. Such safe natural alternative offers a convenient and affordable option when seeking to attain similar benefits of human growth hormone patients.
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